Yi R. (May) Fung bio photo

Yi R. (May) Fung

A Boston-born local; passionate about NLP, knowledge reasoning, tech in general, and content creation, while exploring the world.

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Hi There, Welcome!

I am a tenure-track assistant professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, with upcoming affiliated appointment at MIT. I completed my Ph.D. studies at the University of Illinois, where I have been fortunately advised by Prof. Heng Ji.

My research focus centers around socially-situated human-centered trustworthy NLP/AI with multimedia knowledge reasoning capability and scalable alignment principles. My work on fundamental model architectural mechanisms and frameworks empowering harmless, helpful, and honest information communication has been recognized by three best/outstanding paper awards at top AI/NLP conferences.

Recent News:

  • [Nov] Excited to be delivering an invited talk on “Scaling Human-Centric Trustworthy Foundation Model Reasoning” at Yale Foundations of Data Science (FDS) Seminar!
  • [Nov] We’re organizing the AAAI’25 Workshop on AI4Research - submit your research by Nov 22!